Do you have a property in Italy that you want to sell?

Sell your house privately to international buyers helps you find international buyers who want to buy property in Italy and helps you carry out the negotiation as easily as possible. You will not owe us any commission. helps you find international buyers who want to buy property in Italy and helps you carry out the negotiation as easily as possible. You will not owe us any commission.

We advertise your property worldwide

Your house will be seen by millions of people in 150 countries around the world.
By increasing its visibility, you will have the opportunity to sell it at the best price and in the shortest time.

You can speak in your own language

With you don’t need to know any languages other than your own.
We translate both the description of your ad in the 10 language versions of the website and the messages you exchange with foreign customers.

Personalised assistance

Our customer support team is always at your disposal.
Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with the Internet or computer tools: we will provide you with all the technical support you need.

We help you sell your house at the right price

Selling a house in Italy today can be time-consuming and it is often necessary to lower the price. Time and difficulties increase if you want to sell luxury properties, houses in need of renovation or buildings in historic villages.

Placing your ad on will allow you to sell it at the desired price and in a shorter time.

Why advertise internationally with

You have the opportunity to reach millions of people in the world looking for a second home.
For them, buying in Italy is cheaper than in their own country.

We are the only Italian web portal that is specifically dedicated to selling homes abroad. Over the past 12 months, more than 2.1 million people have searched for a house on our site (certified source: Google Analytics).

More than 7000 private owners have already chosen to sell their homes abroad.

What our customers say

Carlo Romano


I sold my seaside property for sale in Sicily thanks to I received a great number of leads from buyers from all over the world and had 6 viewings on the spot. Eventually I sold to a French family. Thanks a lot to all the staff for their kindness.

Laura Rulli


I was trying to sell my house in Sardinia but I didn’t receive enough enquiries from the local market, I then made some searches on the internet and found With them I received about 15 enquiries coming from different countries, the decisive one arrived from Norway, the buyers fell in love with the house by looking at the pictures. Within few days after they visited it they decided to buy it. has been such a great experience with a limited cost that we decided to advertise another property on it.

Guy Callum

Edinburgh - Scotland

I received a purchase offer 5 days after I published the property on At the end of October we made the Compromesso and on 9 December we completed the sale.
I am very grateful to for securing me such an incredibly quick sale and almost at full price!

Valeria Moretti


I was advised about by a friend who used it to sell her house. The thing that impressed me the most was the kindness, professionalism and help I had received since my first call. I strongly recommend it to everyone who wants to sell as it is a fantastic portal with a great visibility.

Choose the plan that suits you best

30% OFF until 31 October 2024

Arch. Anna Paola Stefani


I placed my ad on with scepticism. I thought that among hundreds of ads it would be very difficult to find a buyer. Instead everything went very well. I received several offers and I have now signed the preliminary sale. From my experience I would like to give some advice to those who have to post an ad: include good pictures, possibly also a video, and ask for the right price for your house.

Ian Turner

Staffordshire - England

As soon as our house in Calabria was published on we received an unbelievable number of enquiries, especially after sending out the newsletter in which our property was listed. After 6 appointments we sold at full asking price!
We have already started recommending to friends interested in selling their property.

Don’t wait! Reduce your fixed costs now

On average, in Italy, the costs of maintaining a property are about
(ISTAT data)

Publishing and managing your ad is easy

  • 1. Upload pictures of the property

  • 2. Enter the description of the property in the language of your choice

  • 3. Your ad is online!

Don’t worry if you don’t have the pictures and description available right away.
You can also enter them at a later time.

How Corine and Rob found their home in Italy

“Like many Dutch people we love Italy.
Its culture, climate and good food have led us to spend holidays there for many years. Then, we decided to buy a house of our own.
After some searching, we found a house we liked on We contacted the owner, got on a plane and came to visit. It was love at first sight. After so many years, we are very happy in our house in Le Marche.”

They will love your house as much as you do

The foreign buyer is the best buyer you could wish for to take care of your house and the memories it holds.
In our experience, international buyers will cherish your house as you would have done, because they are driven by a deep love for Italy, its traditions and culture.

Sell your house with no worries and enjoy what comes next!

Buy now

Need more information? Leave us your contact details

We will contact you back to answer all your questions

We are an all-Italian team. Young, dynamic and super-specialised.

Thanks to the technological innovations we have developed and introduced on your ad will have the chance to be seen by millions of possible customers worldwide. And you will be able to converse with them confidently using your own language.

Our company invests in the well-being, play and happiness of employees every day. We trigger a positive circle that results in belonging, leadership and empathy. All qualities that we offer our customers every day.

This is the added value we can give you too: at you and your house for sale will never be just a number.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why sell my house to international buyers?

    According to the law of large numbers, by consistently increasing the number of potential buyers, the chances of selling are multiplied.
    In recent years, there has been a strong increase in tourist flows from abroad in Italy: this confirms the strong attractiveness of the country, which is a great advantage for those wishing to sell their homes. It is an established fact that property purchases by foreigners follow trends in tourist flows. Therefore, more foreign tourists in Italy means more foreign buyers deciding to buy in the country.
    Advertising Italian real estate on the international market is an opportunity to be seized and invested in with appropriate tools if you want to find buyers for your property.

  • How can I sell my house to international buyers via

    By listing them on, your properties will immediately be visible to a large audience: every month, on average, more than 150,000 international buyers visit our site. Foreign buyers who are interested in your property will send a request for more information, which will arrive directly in the email address you specify. The negotiations will be handled directly by you, with complete freedom and autonomy.

  • is a real estate agency?

    No, we are a real estate web portal and we take care of promoting your property by giving it high visibility in the international market. This gives you the possibility to manage the contacts you receive and the negotiations they generate in complete autonomy.

  • Once I sell my property, will I have to pay you a commission on the sale?

    Absolutely not! There is no additional or hidden cost.

  • Do you ask for an exclusive contract?

    Absolutely not, by publishing your property on you can easily publish it on other sites or give the mandate to an estate agency.

  • The property to be sold belongs to a family member/acquaintance of mine, can I manage the ad?

    Of course, the email address on which enquiries will arrive does not necessarily have to be that of the property owner.

  • When the Featured Property service expires, will my property no longer be visible on

    Absolutely not! Only the Featured Property service will be deactivated. The ad with your property will always remain listed online in the search results until you tell us to remove it. You will be free to renew the Featured Property service if you wish.

  • I have 2 properties to sell, how do I do it?

    You can list 2 properties without any problems. Make the purchase for one property by choosing the plan you prefer, then let us know you want to add a second property: we will send you instructions on how to add the second property.

  • How can I pay for the ad?

    The payment methods you can use in the purchase process are:

    • Credit Card: pay conveniently and securely with your credit card, you will be able to publish your property immediately.
    • Bank Account: pay in comfort and security by entering the IBAN number of your bank account, you will be able to publish your property immediately.

  • I do not have all the content needed for the ad, can I still buy a plan?

    Of course! You can easily start creating your ad now and complete it later: any information or pictures can be changed or added at any time. What’s more, thanks to the unlimited ad duration, you don’t lose any days of visibility. If you think it will take you more than 5 days from when you buy the plan to complete your ad, contact us and we will move the expiry date of the Featured Property service so that you can make full use of your ad.